TRM – Serviços de Manutenção e Engenharia
n a context of great market volatility and commitment to innovation, we propose management methods that promote the reduction of companies operating costs. The increase in complexity and the reduction in resources create technical challenges that TRM has set out to face in permanent dialogue with its customers.
TRM positions itself as a provider of Engineering services (technical installations and maintenance management) in large buildings - shopping centers, hotels, chain stores, cold parks, public buildings, universities, outlets, business hubs and others - throughout the Country (Mainland, Madeira and Azores).
We differentiate ourselves in the combination of the technical capacity and management capacity of our staff who seek to be close to customers in order to, in frank and open dialogue, find the engineering solutions that best adapt to their needs and available resources.
In addition to the direct provision of preventive/corrective maintenance services and the execution of technical installations, TRM carries out the implementation of maintenance management systems, building audits, engineering consultancy, implementation or inspection of investment plans, maintenance of cold chains , energy efficiency, diagnosis and tests – vibrometry and thermography.
TRM is a company certified by ISO9001, 14001 and 45001 and NP4492 standards.
The Scope of its integrated system is “Provision of maintenance and engineering services and execution of technical installations”.
ISO9001 Certificate
ISO14001 Certificate
ISO45001 Certificate
NP4492 Certificate