TRM’s policy is to provide services that fully and continuously satisfy its Clients and other interested parties, in accordance with the following fundamental principles:
Satisfy all applicable legal requirements and ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and NP 4492 Standards;
Make use of good technical and engineering practices to protect the environment, prevent pollution, safeguard OSH rules and other compliance obligations resulting from the TRM context analysis;
Promote the continuous improvement of the performance of processes and services provided to the client;
Increase the quality of environmental and OSH performance, eliminating hazards and reducing the risks associated with the carried out activities;
Ensure safe and healthy working conditions, with a view to preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases;
Promote consultation and participation, by workers or their representatives, in improving the Management System, in all its aspects;
evelop partnership relationships with customers, based on gaining their trust – through service quality, proactivity, management capacity, technical performance, innovation and transparency;
Offer qualified services capable of promoting the growth and sustainability of its client`s businesses;
Make it easier for Customers to access the Electronic Complaints Book, making it available on a digital platform.